
张德强,宋晓朋,冯 洁,马文洁,武炳瑾,张传量,崔紫霞,冯 毅,孙道杰.黄淮麦区小麦品种矮秆基因 Rht-B1b Rht-D1b Rht8的检测及其对农艺性状的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2016,36(8):975
黄淮麦区小麦品种矮秆基因 Rht-B1b Rht-D1b Rht8的检测及其对农艺性状的影响
Detection of Dwarf Genes Rht-B1b Rht-D1b and Rht8 in Huang-huai Valley Winter Wheat Areas and Their Influences on Agronomic Characteristics
中文关键词:  小麦  矮秆基因  分子标记  农艺性状  株高稳定性
英文关键词:Bread wheat  Dwarf genes  Molecular markers  Agronomic traits  Plant height stability
基金项目:国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)项目 (No.2014CB138100);陕西省自然科学基金项目(No.2015JM3094);陕西省重点科技创新团队项目(No.2014KCT-25)
张德强,宋晓朋,冯 洁,马文洁,武炳瑾,张传量,崔紫霞,冯 毅,孙道杰 (西北农林科技大学农学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 982
全文下载次数: 679
      为了解黄淮麦区小麦品种主要矮秆基因的分布和利用状况及其与主要农艺性状的关系,利用分子标记结合系谱分析对黄淮麦区20世纪及近年来新育成的129份小麦品种所含矮秆基因 Rht-B1b Rht-D1b Rht8进行检测,并结合田间株高、基部茎秆直径和壁厚、小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重及不同播期条件下的株高差等农艺性状的调查结果,分析比较了不同矮秆基因对农艺性状的影响。结果表明,129份小麦品种中,含 Rht-B1b基因的品种有37份,含 Rht-D1b基因的品种有73份,含 Rht8基因的品种有89份,不含这3个矮秆基因的品种有6份,所占比例分别为28.68%、56.59%、68.99%和4.65%。其中,同时含 Rht-B1b Rht-D1b的品种有1份,同时含 Rht-B1b Rht8的品种有29份,同时含 Rht-D1b Rht8的品种有44份,同时含 Rht-B1b Rht-D1b Rht8的品种有1份。不同矮秆基因及其组合的品种,在小穗数、基部茎秆直径及基部茎秆壁厚等性状上无显著差异,但仅含 Rht8基因的品种的千粒重、基部茎秆直径及壁厚均大于其他基因型,并且能够显著增加穗粒数。不同矮秆基因的降秆作用强度依次为 Rht-D1b> Rht-B1b> Rht8,并具有累加效应。在不同播期条件下,除不含矮秆基因材料外仅含 Rht8的品种的株高稳定性最佳,仅含 Rht-B1b的品种株高稳定性最差。仅含 Rht-B1b的品种小穗数最高,但千粒重却最低,并显著低于不含这3个矮秆基因的品种。以上结果表明,虽然矮秆基因 Rht8的降秆作用较弱,但其对农艺性状的有利贡献较多,且在不同播期环境条件下株高稳定性较好,因此在未来小麦育种中应注重矮秆基因 Rht8的利用。
      To find out the distribution and utilization of dwarf genes Rht-B1b Rht-D1b and Rht8 in Huang-huai Valley Winter Wheat Areas and clarify their impact on main agronomic characters,129 wheat varieties cultivated in last century and recent years of Huang-huai wheat area were classified into different groups according to the dwarf genes.Combined with molecular marker detection and pedigree analysis,the effects of dwarf genes on plant height,the diameter and wall thickness of basal stems,spikelet number,grain number per spike and the reduced plant height under different sowing dates were analyzed.The results showed that 37 varieties carried the Rht-B1b allele,while 73 varieties carried the Rht-D1b allele,and 89 varieties carried the Rht8,but six varieties did not carry any dwarf genes,accounting for 28.68%,56.59%,68.99% and 4.65%,respectively.Among them,only one variety carried dwarf alleles Rht-B1b/ Rht-D1b,and 29 varieties carried Rht-B1b/ Rht8,and 44 varieties carried Rht-D1b/ Rht8,and one variety carried all three genes.Different groups with different dwarf genes had no significant difference in spikelet number,or the diameter and wall thickness of basal stems.However,compared with other groups,the varieties only carrying Rht8 had higher diameter and wall thickness of basal stems and 1 000-grain weight than other varieties,and Rht8 could significantly increase grain number per ear.The height reducing capability of different dwarf genes ranged as Rht-D1b > Rht-B1b > Rht8,which could be accumulated.Meanwhile,under different sowing dates,the varieties only with Rht8 performed best except for varieties without any dwarf genes in plant height stability,while varieties just with Rht-B1b performed worst.And the varieties only with Rht-B1b had the most spikelet number but performed worst in 1 000-grain weight,which is significantly lower than that in the materials without these three genes.To summarize,the height reducing capability of dwarf gene Rht8 was lower than that of other two dwarf genes.However, Rht8 had more contribution on agronomic traits,and also has the better plant height stability under different sowing dates.Thus,more attention should be given to dwarf gene Rht8 in the future wheat improvement.
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