
袁汉民,陈东升,王晓亮,赵桂珍,张富国, 袁海燕,张维军,亢 玲,来长凯,白 冰.宁夏引黄灌区冬麦北移及耕作改制的发展[J].麦类作物学报,2011,31(2):194
Innovation and Development on Winter Wheat Production Area Expanding Northward and Farming System Reforming in YRNB
中文关键词:  引黄灌区  冬麦北移  育种  耕作
英文关键词:Winter wheat breeding  Winter wheat production area northward  Tillage  Yellow river Ningxia basin
基金项目:宁夏重点科技攻关项目(960317Z001);科技部成果转化项目(2009G30079);宁夏农业科技工程重大专项(KGZ 16 07 01、KGZ 16 08 03、KGX 05 06 02、KGZ 16 08 02);宁夏自然科学基金项目(03B1010)。
袁汉民,陈东升,王晓亮,赵桂珍,张富国, 袁海燕,张维军,亢 玲,来长凯,白 冰 (1.宁夏农林科学院,宁夏银川 750002
2.宁夏气象科学研究所,宁夏银川 750002
3.宁夏吴忠市农技推广中心,宁夏吴忠 751100) 
摘要点击次数: 1655
全文下载次数: 2485
      为了适应全球气候变化,解决宁夏小麦生产中的瓶颈问题,探索冬麦北移及耕作改制的途径,20年来科研人员先后开展了冬小麦遗传资源、育种、栽培技术、耕作制度、种植业结构的研究。冬小麦新品种“宁冬10号” 、“宁冬11号”可比宁夏春麦主栽品种“宁春4号”增产20%~50%,其品质达到国家优质中筋小麦标准,最高产量达到11.5 t·hm-2。宁夏引黄灌区已经出现大面积亩产量“超吨粮”的冬小麦套种玉米及亩产“超吨细粮”的冬小麦加复种水稻;冬小麦收获后复种蔬菜、青贮玉米等,达到了高产、优质、高效的目标。宁夏已有6种与种植冬小麦有关的“一年两熟、全免耕”轮作模式试验成功,并引进印度“涡轮式免耕快乐播种机”,且已研制成功适于宁夏引黄灌区的小麦免耕播种机。
      In order to adapt to Globe Climate Change, to solve bottleneck like problem in wheat production in Ningxia, and to explore the approach on Expanding winter wheat production area northward and reforming rotation system, Ningxia scientists have studied and developed on winter wheat germplasm, breeding, cultivation techniques, plant industry structures and super wheat early or late in the past 20 years. New winter wheat cultivars that “Ningdong 10” and “Ningdong 11” not only could increase yield 20%~50% compared to local major spring wheat cultivar “Ningchun 4”, but also had met the good quality wheat standard of State. Local record yield 11.5t·hm-2 had been observed in Ningxia. Both “Ningdong 10” and “Ningdong 11” had performed the potential of super wheat. “Over 15 t·hm-2 yield field” by winter wheat relay intercropping maize, or by winter wheat plus multiple cropping rice had come forth in large area in YRNB. Winter wheat multiple cropping with vegetables, fodder maize and other crop had high yield, good quality and high benefit. Up to Now, 6 rotation patterns with “double cropping zero tillage” have been tested and succeed in YRNB. Ningxia introduced “Turbo Happy Seeder” from India, and developed new zero tilling planter adapted YRNB, by measures of assimilation and re creation.
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