
徐凤娇,田奇卓,裴艳婷,李 慧,刘 鑫,李娜娜,石玉华.土壤肥力和施氮方式对冬小麦不同生育期两类氮源吸收利用的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2011,31(2):69
Effect of Soil Fertility and Nitrogen Application Types on Absorption and Utilization Rate of Two Types of Nitrogen Sources in Wheat at Different Growth Stages
中文关键词:  冬小麦  土壤肥力  施氮方式  不同氮源  吸收积累  分配利用
英文关键词:Winter wheat  Soil fertility  Nitrogen application types  Different nitrogen sources  Nitrogen fertilizer  Nitrogen utilization
徐凤娇,田奇卓,裴艳婷,李 慧,刘 鑫,李娜娜,石玉华 (作物生物学国家重点实验室山东农业大学山东泰安 271018) 
摘要点击次数: 1846
全文下载次数: 2430
      为明确土壤肥力和施氮方式与冬小麦对两种氮源吸收利用的关系,采用15N示踪技术研究了高、中两种土壤肥力和不同施氮方式下小麦植株对两种氮源的吸收利用特点。结果表明,在八个试验处理中,以高肥土壤、氮肥基施深度20 cm、底追各50%处理的籽粒产量及构成三因素最高,是提高产量和氮肥利用率的最佳处理组合。越冬、拔节、开花、花后20 d和成熟期小麦吸收肥料氮的平均比例随生育进程逐步递减,吸收土壤氮的比例则随生育进程逐步递增。提高土壤肥力可增加各生育阶段氮素吸收总量,使成熟期肥料氮当季利用率提高10.51个百分点,肥料氮损失率降低4.6个百分点,但同时也降低了生育中后期对肥料氮的吸收及向籽粒的分配比例。施肥深度仅对拔节前氮素吸收积累和不同氮源比例影响显著,但深施可显著提高成熟期肥料氮的利用率并降低损失率。氮肥全部底施可提高越冬和拔节期的总吸氮量,并降低土壤氮的吸收比例;底追各50%施氮方式有利于生育后期氮素吸收积累,使成熟期肥料氮的当季利用率和损失率分别提高和降低2.72和13.5个百分点,但来自肥料氮和分配到籽粒中的比例却显著低于全部底施处理。
      In order to clarify the effects of soil fertility and nitrogen application types on fertilizer distribution and use efficiency at different growth stages, winter wheat were cultivated with pipe using 15N tracer technique. The results showed that: treatment A2B2C2 (high soil fertility, N basal dressing depth of 20 cm, 50% of N fertilizer as basal fertilizer and 50% as topdressing) of eight treatments was with the highest grain yield and balanced combination of yield components. The average percentage of absorption of nitrogen fertilizer at winter, jointing, flowering, 20 d after flowering and maturity were gradually decreasing with the growth process,respectively, the proportion of uptake of soil nitrogen fertility process with progressively. Fertile soil can increase the total amount of nitrogen absorption at each growth stage, the mature season fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency increased by 10.51 percentage points,lowered loss rate by 4.6 percentage points, but reduced the absorption of nitrogen fertilizer at the middle late growth and proportion to the distribution of grain.Only deep application of nitrogen fertilizer have the significant effect on fertilizer nitrogen uptake and accumulation before jointing and different nitrogen sources;but deep application of fertilizer can significantly increase the maturity of nitrogen utilization and reduce the loss rate. Basal dressing of nitrogen fertilizer can increase the total N uptake and reduce the proportion of soil nitrogen uptake at winter and jointing stage; 50%of N fertilizer applied as basal fertilizer and 50%applied in ways that favor the accumulation of N uptake at late growth stages, the mature season nitrogen fertilizer use increased by 2.72 percentage points, the loss rate decreased by 13.5 percentage points, but the proportion allocated to the grain was significantly lower than all the basal treatment.
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